Differences between API 5L and ISO 3183

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API 5L and ISO 3183 are both standards and codes dealing with pipelines in the oil and gas industry (API 5L VS ISO3183). The following are some of the differences between API 5L and ISO 3183 in terms of steel grades, testing, and applications:

API 5L ISO3183

1. Steel grade:
– API 5L: API 5L specifies several grades of steel pipe, including but not limited to Grade B, X42, X52, X60, X65, X70, X80, and so on. These grades correspond to different mechanical and chemical property requirements for different application scenarios.
– ISO 3183: ISO 3183 also contains different grades of pipes, such as Grade L245, L290, L360, L415, L450, L485, L555 etc.. These grades have some overlap with API 5L grades, but there may be some minor differences.

2. Inspection and testing:
– API 5L: API 5L specifies the inspection and testing requirements for pipelines, including chemical composition, mechanical properties, impact test, welding properties, etc. The inspection and testing requirements are based on the following criteria. Different grades and PSL levels (Product Specification Level) may have different testing requirements.
– ISO 3183: ISO 3183 also contains requirements for inspection and testing of piping, similar to API 5L, but there may be some differences. Specific requirements will vary depending on the class and category of the pipe.

3. Use and scope of application:
– API 5L: It is mainly used for oil and gas transmission pipelines in the oil and gas industry. Different grades of API 5L pipelines can be used in different projects, such as oil field development, natural gas transportation, etc..
– ISO 3183: Also used in the oil and gas industry for the transportation of oil, gas, water and some other liquids.ISO 3183 is an international standard widely used in pipeline projects worldwide.

4. Additional requirements:
– API 5L: API 5L standard may contain some additional requirements, such as the distinction between PSL1 and PSL2, requirements for welding materials, etc. ISO 3183: is an international standard which is widely used in pipeline engineering worldwide.
– ISO 3183: ISO 3183 has some similar distinctions, such as L245/PSL1 and L245QW/PSL2.

The two standards are similar in many respects, but since they were developed by different standards-setting organizations, there may be some technical and normative differences. In specific projects, the choice of which standard to use should be based on the applicable standards and specific project requirements.

LONGMA is one of China leading steel pipes manufacturers since 2003, certified by API 5L, ISO9001, ISO14001, FPC. Contact by info@ilongma.com to get more information.


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